While I was in California we stopped in a place that served peanut butter bacon cheeseburgers. Ever since then I have wanted to make them at home. This is the first recipe I am posting. It is not a perfect recipe, as many of mine are not. At the bottom I will write my lessons learned from this recipe.
2 Frozen Hamburger patties
2 Slices Cheddar Cheese
1 Hamburger Bun
Creamy Peanut Butter
Cook Both Burger Patties. I fried mine, but you could grill them as well. Place the cheddar cheese on top of one of the patties while cooking it. Place one patty on the bun, put a spoonful of peanut butter down, and then place the other patty on top of the peanut butter. Then Eat.
1. Peanut butter melts when it is hot (this I knew), I placed too much PB in between the patties, and this caused them to slide apart when I was trying to eat it, making the whole process much more difficult and messy. In the future I will try a thinner layer of PB on the top and bottom of the bun to see if this will be less messy.
2. I have the idea of putting the pb into the patty. This will require me to make the Hamburgers from scratch instead of using the frozen Store bought ones. I believe this will add an interesting flavor thought out the entire burger, without the need for the mess mentioned above.
3. I would like to add the bacon back, and possibly the lettuce. If i go with option 2 i might go down this path as well.