Tag Archives: Zootfly

Ghostbusters The Video Game

It has been nearly 20 years since the last Ghostbusters movie came out. I still get super excited when i watch those movies. About a year ago, i had heard they were planning on making a third Ghostbusters movie. Apparently because of the age of everyone, they decided to make it an animated feature length film. I was Skeptical, But excited. Then one Day In early Jan of 2007 this leaked video footage appeared on the Internet. It was a demo video of a unlicensed Ghostbusters game released by a company called zootfly. The Internet buzz about this was insane. So many people were super exited about this game, only to find out that zootfly had no rights to make this game, and that this game would not come out. Many people upset about this started online petitions in an attempt to get enough support to have this game actually made.

Here is the Video Made by Zoot Fly:

Little did we know that Sony, The official license holders of the Ghostbusters had already sent the Green Light On a Ghostbusters Video game, Instead of making the Ghostbusters movie i mentioned above, and at the time this zootfly video came out, they were well on there way to a finished product. They have been showing screen shots, and videos for a while now on the new game. Today at E3(the gaming convention) they showed this new video:

Needless to say I’m still super excited for this game to come out.